Sommet Économique UE-Canada 2020



Le Sommet Économique UE-Canada est un événement d’une journée qui se tient une fois par an à Bruxelles, capitale de l’Union européenne et qui rassemble des centaines de décideurs politiques et économiques du Canada, de l’Union européenne et du monde.

Les dernières tendances mondiales politiques, financières et économiques sont discutées et analysées par des intervenants de haut niveau provenant d’un large éventail de secteurs d’activités.

Les thèmes abordés cette année sont l’Énergie et l’Environnement, la Sécurité et les Transports, le Commerce International et la Mobilité, les Fabricants et l’Intelligence Artificielle.

Le Sommet Économique UE-Canada est un excellent moyen de nouer des relations d’affaires grâce à des cocktails VIP, des réunions privées, des débats interactifs et plusieurs autres activités de réseautage exclusives.

Confirmed Speakers

Nombre d'intervenants:
9 panneaux de 4 intervenants pour un total de 26 intervenants

Nombre de Modérateurs:

Nombre de participants:




30 Sep 2020


Virtual Event


Free to Attend

Programme Détaillé

08:45 – 09:00 – Opening keynote

  • Sam Ayoub – Founder-President – Canada-Europe Economic Chamber – EU - Brussels
  • Mary Ng – Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade – Government of Canada - Ottawa

09:00 – 10:00 - Energy & Environment

  • Philippe Couillard – Conseil principale, Affaires – Dentons – Montréal
  • Nicolas Wolff – VP General Manager Europe – Boralex – Paris
  • Pierre-Luc Desgagné – Delegate General – Québec Government Office – Brussels
  • Barbara Cooreman – Head of Sustainability and Intern. Trade – Hanover – Brussels


  • Eline Chivot - Moderator – Center for Data Innovation – Brussels

10:00 – 10:30 – Quebec Morning Break

10:30 – 11:30 - Security & Transport

  • Johan Diepens – Founder-CEO – Mobycon – The Hague
  • Stéphane Feray-Beaumont – VP Innovation & Smart Mobility – Alstom – Brussels


  • Eline Chivot - Moderator – Center for Data Innovation – Brussels

11:30 – 12:30 – Manufacturers

  • Pat Sherlock – President - Canada Goose International – Zurich
  • Olivier Joris – Executive Manager Europe – FEB – Brussels
  • Luisa Santos - Deputy Director General, Intern. Relations – Business Europe – Brussels


  • Melina Howard - Moderator – Lexfield – Luxembourg

12:30- 14:00 – Canada lunch break

14:00 – 15:00 - International Trade & Mobility

  • Chris Cooter – Head of Mission to the EU – Government of Canada - Brussels
  • Dominic Boucsein – Head of International Trade - Eurochambres – Brussels


  • Melina Howard - Moderator – Lexfield – Luxembourg

15:00 – 16:00 - Artificial Intelligence

  • Gohar Sargsyan – Director EU & Innovation – CGI – Amsterdam
  • Yves Lostanlen – Strategic Development Director – Cible Solutions – Sherbrooke
  • Johannes Nitschke – Director EU & Innovation – Siemens – Brussels


  • Eline Chivot - Moderator – Center for Data Innovation – Brussels

16:00 – 17:00 - Financial Services

  • Olga Vovk - Senior Regional Manager-Western Europe – EDC – London
  • Christine Fayad - Deputy Director General, Intern. Relations – Business Europe – Brussels
  • Nadiya Nychay – Partner – Dentons – Brussels


  • Melina Howard - Moderator – Lexfield – Luxembourg

17:00 – 18:00 – On stage exclusive interview

“The success story behind Canada Goose in Europe

  • Pat Sherlock – President - Canada Goose International – Zurich


  • Sam Ayoub – Moderator - Canada-Europe Economic Chamber – EU - Brusselsl



Africa - Guest Side Panel

10:30 – 12:00 – Unlocking business opportunities for EU-Canada collaboration in Africa

  • Hirut Zemene - Ambassador & Head of Mission to Belgium, Luxembourg and the EU - Government of Ethiopia - Brussels
  • Sena Siaw-Boateng - Ambassador & Head of Mission to Belgium, Luxembourg and the EU - Government of Ghana – Brussels
  • Belachew M Fikr - Business and Invest Component Head – GIZ - Brussels


  • Annie Mutamba - Moderator – Brussels Africa Hub – Brussels

Canada - Main Side Panel

15:00 – 16:30 – Invest in Canada

  • Olivier Nicoloff - Ambassador of Canada to Belgium - Government of Canada – Brussels
  • Jason Myers - Managing Director – Hanover Communications - Brussels
  • Nathalie Béchamp - Chief of Investor Services - Invest of Canada - Ottawa
  • Stéphane Lambert - Head of Mission to the EU - Government of Canada - Brussels
  • Xavier Van Overmeire - Partner – Dentons - Brussels


  • Annie Mutamba - Moderator – Brussels Africa Hub – Brussels

Europe - Host Side Panel

16:00 – 17:00 – Opportunities at the interface of life sciences, nano and cognitive technologies. A new era is coming.

  • Jan Wauters - Science and Technology Counselor life sciences and nanotechnologies - Flanders Investment & Trade - New York


30 Sep 2020


Virtual Event


Free to Attend

