EU-Canada Conferences 2018
CETA in a Global Context: Opportunities for Business – l’AECG dans un contexte global : les opportunités pour faire des affaires Pēteris Ustubs, conférencier Ambassadeur de l’U.E. au Canada.
CETA in a Global Context: Opportunities for Business – l’AECG dans un contexte global : les opportunités pour faire des affaires Pēteris Ustubs, conférencier Ambassadeur de l’U.E. au Canada.
Presented by Air France, this seminary is considered to be a splendid combination of professional presentations and quality networking, will be held from February 20-22, 2018 in Chamonix, France. The participants made up of senior Canadian and European business leaders will meet at this exceptional setting to forge strong and long lasting links during a friendly ski activity in the French Alps.