Past events


How can we strengthen our trade relations with Europe?

How can we strengthen our trade relations with Europe?

Montreal, Quebec H3B 4C9
Organized by CORIM in association with the Canada-Europe Economic Chamber - EU
13 Jun 2024
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Conference: The attractiveness of Canada as an investment and trading destination for EU companies

Conference: The attractiveness of Canada as an investment and trading destination for EU companies

The Germany-Canada Conference is held once a year in Germany that brings together political and business decision-makers from Germany, Canada and the EU.
16 May 2024
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EU-Canada Business Summit 2023

EU-Canada Business Summit 2023

Cercle Royal Gaulois (In-person)
The EU-Canada Business Summit is a oneday event held once a year in Brussels, capital of the European Union, that brings together hundreds of political and business decision-makers from Canada, the EU and the world.
18 Oct 2023
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Webinar: Why European Companies Like Marshall Are Flocking to New Brunswick, Canada?

Webinar: Why European Companies Like Marshall Are Flocking to New Brunswick, Canada?

Webinar - Virtual
More and more European-headquartered companies, like Marshall Canada, are leveraging the New Brunswick Advantage to take their business to the next level. But what is the New Brunswick Advantage? And why is it the holy grail for companies looking to expand their global footprint and stay ahead of their competition?
08 Jun 2023
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Germany / Canada Conference

Germany / Canada Conference

Germany is now thinking of Canada First by strengthening their trade relationship with the ratification of CETA in December 2022.
12 May 2023
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CETA 5 Year Anniversary: A Platform for Partnership

CETA 5 Year Anniversary: A Platform for Partnership

Mission of Canada to the EU - Brussels
The European Union (EU) is one of the largest economies in the world and Canada’s second-largest trading partner. The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) presents Canadian businesses with preferential access to and excellent opportunities for growth in the EU.
29 Mar 2023
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EU-Canada Alps Summit 2023

EU-Canada Alps Summit 2023

Val d’Isère - France
The EU-Canada Alps Summit is a splendid combination of professional presentations and quality networking. This year’s edition of the Alps Summit will be held from March 24-26, 2023 in Val d’Isère, France.
24 Mar 2023 - 26 Mar 2023
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EU-Canada Business Summit 2022

EU-Canada Business Summit 2022

Cercle Royal Gaulois (In-person)
The EU-Canada Business Summit is a oneday event held once a year in Brussels, capital of the European Union, that brings together hundreds of political and business decision-makers from Canada, the EU and the world.
08 Nov 2022
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EU-Canada Conference – How E-Commerce is reshaping our markets?

EU-Canada Conference – How E-Commerce is reshaping our markets?

Mission of Canada to the EU in Brussels
Advancements in technology and the growth of available marketplaces have made it easier than ever to buy and sell online. The ecommerce market is expected to grow by almost $11 trillion between 2021 and 2025.
06 Jul 2022
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EU-Canada Alps Summit 2022

EU-Canada Alps Summit 2022

Val d’Isère - France
The EU-Canada Alps Summit is a splendid combination of professional presentations and quality networking. This year’s edition of the Alps Summit will be held from April 8-10, 2022 in Val d’Isère, France.
08 Apr 2022 - 10 Apr 2022
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Free webinar – 2022: A new disruptive economic reality?

Free webinar – 2022: A new disruptive economic reality?

A market disruption is a situation wherein markets cease to function in a regular manner, typically characterized by rapid and large market declines. Given the fact that we are living in a post-pandemic period that has been managed with a lot of uncertainty and never seen before extreme measures like lockdowns, substantial financial support, etc. Have we seen it all yet?
31 Mar 2022
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EU-Canada Business Summit 2021

EU-Canada Business Summit 2021

In-person event
EU and Canada have a common history, common values, a commitment to preserving and promoting the rules-based international order and have common ambitions for the future like collaboration on trade, climate change, technology, security issues, human rights, and others.
09 Dec 2021
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Free webinar – Germany and Canada: Gateways to Europe and North America

Free webinar – Germany and Canada: Gateways to Europe and North America

With 82.4 million people, Germany is the largest country in the European Union (EU). It ranks in the top 20 countries in terms of global gross domestic product per capita, making it one of the richest countries in the world. For Canadian exporters, doing business in Germany provides access not only to this wealthy single market, but to the largest world-wide trade bloc.
22 Jun 2021
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Webinaire gratuit – Comment le Québec peut être un partenaire clé pour la relance verte européenne?

Webinaire gratuit – Comment le Québec peut être un partenaire clé pour la relance verte européenne?

Les législateurs du Parlement européen ont voté en février dernier l’adoption du mécanisme de relance et de résilience de l’UE, d’un montant de 672,5 milliards d’euros, débloquant ainsi un financement sans précédent destiné « reconstruire en mieux » l’Europe après la crise de COVID-19. De ce total, 265 milliards d’euros seront donc mis à disposition pour la transition verte sous forme de subventions et de prêts accordés aux pays de l’UE.
27 May 2021
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Free webinar – How the EU-Canada Strategic Partnership Agreement and CETA can ensure a robust economic recovery?

Free webinar – How the EU-Canada Strategic Partnership Agreement and CETA can ensure a robust economic recovery?

The EU and Canada are implementing the G20 Action Plan agreed by Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to support the global economic recovery and achieve strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth, which should continue to be reviewed and updated.
30 Mar 2021
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Free webinar – How Canada is positioned in the new EU-UK trade reality?

Free webinar – How Canada is positioned in the new EU-UK trade reality?

UK and Canada have secured a trade deal that will roll over the terms of an existing agreement between the EU and Canada when the Brexit transition period ends on January 1st 2021.
28 Jan 2021
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EU-Canada Business Summit 2020

EU-Canada Business Summit 2020

Virtual Event
Once a year, in Brussels, this important one day summit brings together political and economic decision-makers from Canada and the European Union.
30 Sep 2020
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Alps Summit Meeting 2020

Alps Summit Meeting 2020

St Anton, Austria
After Chamonix-France in 2018, the next EU-Canada Alps Summit Meeting of 2020 will be held in Austria at the very distinctive St Anton am Arlberg located in the Tyrolean Alps...
20 Feb 2020 - 21 Feb 2020
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EU-Canada Conference – Economic forecast and business opportunities between Canada and the European Union

EU-Canada Conference – Economic forecast and business opportunities between Canada and the European Union

Brussels, Belgium
The Canada-Europe Economic Chamber - EU offers various free conferences in Brussels throughout the year. These conferences are led by high-level Canadian and European speakers from business, politics, science, culture and sports.
04 Nov 2019
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EU-Canada Conferences 2018

EU-Canada Conferences 2018

Quebec City, Canada
CETA in a Global Context: Opportunities for Business – l’AECG dans un contexte global : les opportunités pour faire des affaires Pēteris Ustubs, conférencier Ambassadeur de l'U.E. au Canada.
14 May 2018
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Alps Summit Meeting 2018

Alps Summit Meeting 2018

Chamonix, France
Presented by Air France, this seminary is considered to be a splendid combination of professional presentations and quality networking, will be held from February 20-22, 2018 in Chamonix, France. The participants made up of senior Canadian and European business leaders will meet at this exceptional setting to forge strong and long lasting links during a friendly ski activity in the French Alps.
20 Feb 2018 - 22 Feb 2018
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Gala d’Excellence Économique Canada-Europe

Gala d’Excellence Économique Canada-Europe

300 participants - Québec - Le Concorde. Discours - Sam Ayoub
25 May 2017
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